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Tools Used to Build the Feed

  • Node-RED
  • node-red-contrib-rss
  • rss-parser
    • feedOptions

      • title string Title of your site or feed.

      • description optional string A short description of the feed.

      • generator optional string Feed generator.

      • feed_url url string Url to the rss feed.

      • site_url url string Url to the site that the feed is for.

      • image_url optional url string Small image for feed readers to use.

      • docs optional url string Url to documentation on this feed.

      • managingEditor optional string Who manages content in this feed. Preferred format: (Name), e.g., (Jane Doe).

      • webMaster optional string Who manages feed availability and technical support. Preferred format: (Name), e.g., (Jane Doe).

      • copyright optional string Copyright information for this feed.

      • language optional string The language of the content of this feed.

      • categories optional array of strings One or more categories this feed belongs to.

      • pubDate optional Date object or date string The publication date for content in the feed.

      • lastBuildDate optional Date object or date string The date the feed was last updated. Value not listed in documentation.
      • ttl optional integer Number of minutes feed can be cached before refreshing from source.

      • hub optional PubSubHubbub hub url Where is the PubSubHub hub located.

      • custom_namespaces optional object Put additional namespaces in element (without 'xmlns:' prefix)

      • custom_elements optional array Put additional elements in the feed (node-xml syntax)

    • itemOptions

      • title string Title of this particular item.

      • description string Content for the item. Can contain html but link and image urls must be absolute path including hostname.

      • url url string Url to the item. This could be a blog entry.

      • guid unique string A unique string feed readers use to know if an item is new or has already been seen. If you use a guid never change it. If you don't provide a guid then your item urls must be unique.

      • categories optional array of strings If provided, each array item will be added as a category element

      • author optional string If included it is the name of the item's creator. If not provided the item author will be the same as the feed author. This is typical except on multi-author blogs.

      • date Date object or date string The date and time of when the item was created. Feed readers use this to determine the sort order. Some readers will also use it to determine if the content should be presented as unread.

      • lat optional number The latitude coordinate of the item.

      • long optional number The longitude coordinate of the item.

      • custom_elements optional array Put additional elements in the item (node-xml syntax)

      • enclosure optional object An enclosure object

  • RSS-Bridge
  • Full-Text RSS